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A flexible, ready-to-use activities program to help special
students in grades 6-12
The updated new edition of this valuable resource offers an
exciting collection of 200 ready-to-use worksheets to help
adolescents build the social skills they need to interact
effectively with others and learn how to apply these skills to
various real-life settings, situations, and problems. The book
provides 20 complete teaching units focusing on 20 basic social
skills, such as being a good listener, "reading" other people, and
using common sense.
About This Book.
About the Author.
Part One: Learning Basic Social Skills.
Chapter 1 Skills to Make a Good Impression.
Skill 1: Making a First Impression.
Instructor Pages.
Worksheet 1: What Is a Good Impression?
Worksheet 2: Your Appearance.
Worksheet 3: Your Attitude.
Worksheet 4: Getting Prepared.
Worksheet 5: Asking Appropriate Questions.
Skill 2: Thinking About My Behavior.
Instructor Pages.
Worksheet 6: Picked out of a Crowd.
Worksheet 7: Ways to Blend In.
Worksheet 8: Unusual Behaviors.
Worksheet 9: Behaviors That You Can’t Help.
Worksheet 10: Neutral Behavior.
Skill 3: Getting Rid of Annoying Tendencies.
Instructor Pages.
Worksheet 11: Invading Personal Space.
Worksheet 12: Interrupting.
Worksheet 13: Repeating Yourself.
Worksheet 14: Bodily Noises.
Worksheet 15: Being Bossy.
Skill 4: Having a Pleasant Voice and Breath.
Instructor Pages.
Worksheet 16: Voice Volume.
Worksheet 17: Voice Tone.
Worksheet 18: Using Appropriate Language.
Worksheet 19: Just Answer the Question!
Worksheet 20: Bad Breath.
Skill 5: Being a Good Listener.
Instructor Pages.
Worksheet 21: Identifying a Good Listener.
Worksheet 22: How to Be a Good Listener.
Worksheet 23: Important Listening Situations.
Worksheet 24: What Problems Do You See?
Worksheet 25: Skit Revisited: Identifying the Listening
Skill 6: Sharpening My Communication Skills.
Instructor Pages.
Worksheet 26: What Is Communication?
Worksheet 27: Communication Through Behavior.
Worksheet 28: Communication Through Expressions.
Worksheet 29: Messages.
Worksheet 30: Practice Your Communication Skills.
Skill 7: Sizing Up My Reputation.
Instructor Pages.
Worksheet 31: What Others Say About You.
Worksheet 32: Developing a Reputation.
Worksheet 33: Misjudging Others.
Worksheet 34: What Kind of Reputation Do You Want?
Worksheet 35: Changing Your Reputation.
Chapter 2 Skills for Self-Improvement.
Skill 8: Having a Good Sense of Humor.
Instructor Pages.
Worksheet 36: Benefi ts of a Sense of Humor.
Worksheet 37: Creating Humor Appropriately.
Worksheet 38: Easing Tension with Humor.
Worksheet 39: Laughing WITH, not Laughing AT.
Worksheet 40: Using Humor to Include Others.
Skill 9: Expressing Myself Appropriately.
Instructor Pages.
Worksheet 41: Expressing Myself with Words.
Worksheet 42: Waiting Before Responding.
Worksheet 43: Avoiding Getting Upset.
Worksheet 44: Public vs. Private Conversations.
Worksheet 45: Communicating via E-Mail.
Skill 10: Viewing Things Realistically.
Instructor Pages.
Worksheet 46: Making Realistic Changes.
Worksheet 47: Improbable or Impossible?
Worksheet 48: Making Changes for the Better: Habits and
Worksheet 49: Making Changes for the Better: Attitudes and
Worksheet 50: It Could Happen . . .
Skill 11: Standing Up for Myself .
Instructor Pages.
Worksheet 51: That’s Not Right!
Worksheet 52: What Do I Believe?
Worksheet 53: Why Do I Think That Way?
Worksheet 54: Beliefs and Behavior.
Worksheet 55: What’s the Problem?
Skill 12: Making Good Decisions.
Instructor Pages.
Worksheet 56: Questions to Ask Yourself.
Worksheet 57: A Decision-Making Chart.
Worksheet 58: What Decision Need to Be Made?
Worksheet 59: When You Need More Information.
Worksheet 60: Head vs. Heart Decisions.
Skill 13: Controlling My Emotions.
Instructor Pages.
Worksheet 61: Why Should We Control Our Emotions?
Worksheet 62: First Reaction.
Worksheet 63: What Triggers Your Emotions?
Worksheet 64: Controlling What You Show.
Worksheet 65: Alternative Reactions.
Skill 14: Making Good Friends.
Instructor Pages.
Worksheet 66: Is This a Good Friend?
Worksheet 67: Ways to Make Friends.
Worksheet 68: Are You a Good Friend?
Worksheet 69: Friends Aff ect Us.
Worksheet 70: Why We Want Friends.
Skill 15: Using Common Sense.
Instructor Pages.
Worksheet 71: What’s Common About Common Sense?
Worksheet 72: Looking for Clues.
Worksheet 73: Thinking Harder.
Worksheet 74: Thinking Smarter.
Worksheet 75: Using Your Common Sense.
Skill 16: Having a Good Work Ethic.
Instructor Pages.
Worksheet 76: Understanding the Job.
Worksheet 77: Staying on Task.
Worksheet 78: Knowing When to Ask for Help.
Worksheet 79: Making a Quick Decision.
Worksheet 80: Job Completion.
Chapter 3 Skills for Being Around Others.
Skill 17: “Reading” Other People.
Instructor Pages.
Worksheet 81: A New Kind of Reading.
Worksheet 82: Facial Expressions.
Worksheet 83: Tone of Voice.
Worksheet 84: Body Language.
Worksheet 85: Sincerity.
Skill 18: Knowing Expectations.
Instructor Pages.
Worksheet 86: Knowing What to Expect: People.
Worksheet 87: Knowing What to Expect: Situations.
Worksheet 88: Knowing What Is Expected: Tasks.
Worksheet 89: Knowing What to Expect: Past Experiences.
Worksheet 90: Knowing What Is Expected: Commonsense Clues.
Skill 19: Negotiating or Compromising.
Instructor Pages.
Worksheet 91: Negotiation as a Social Skill.
Worksheet 92: Why You Can’t Always Have Your Own Way.
Worksheet 93: Situations to Negotiate.
Worksheet 94: Things That Aren’t Negotiable.
Worksheet 95: Practice Negotiating.
Skill 20: Understanding Another’s Point of View.
Instructor Pages.
Worksheet 96: Introduction to a Diff erent Viewpoint.
Worksheet 97: Identifying Diff erent Points of View.
Worksheet 98: What’s the Basis for This Point of View?
Worksheet 99: Changing Your Situation, Changing Your Opinion.
Worksheet 100: What Are Your Opinions?
Skill 21: Being Flexible.
Instructor Pages.
Worksheet 101: Handling Changes.
Worksheet 102: Changing Your Plans.
Worksheet 103: Changing Your Mind.
Worksheet 104: Being Open to New Things.
Worksheet 105: Reflecting.
Skill 22: Respecting Authority.
Instructor Pages.
Worksheet 106: Interacting with Your Supervisor.
Worksheet 107: When Your Boss Is Wrong.
Worksheet 108: Other Authority Figures.
Worksheet 109: Other Types of Authority.
Worksheet 110: What Would You Do?
Skill 23: Making Others Feel Comfortable.
Instructor Pages.
Worksheet 111: The Play.
Worksheet 112: Embarrassing Moments for Others.
Worksheet 113: Helping Others Through Stressful or Uncomfortable
Worksheet 114: Ordinary Times to Be Outgoing.
Worksheet 115: Things to Beware Of!
Skill 24: Working with Others.
Instructor Pages.
Worksheet 116: Sharing a Job.
Worksheet 117: Working as a Team.
Worksheet 118: Cooperating with Authority.
Worksheet 119: Brainstorming.
Worksheet 120: Carrying Out Your Responsibilities.
Skill 25: Dealing with Strangers.
Instructor Pages.
Worksheet 121: Being Overly Friendly to Strangers.
Worksheet 122: Strangers Who Ask Too Much.
Worksheet 123: When You Want Something.
Worksheet 124: Rude Behavior of Others.
Worksheet 125: From Stranger to Friend.
Skill 26: Reacting Appropriately to Peer Pressure.
Instructor Pages.
Worksheet 126: Feeling the Pressure.
Worksheet 127: Everybody’s Doing It.
Worksheet 128: Positive and Negative Peer Pressure.
Worksheet 129: When There’s a Conflict.
Worksheet 130: Resisting Negative Pressure.
Skill 27: Revealing Yourself to Others.
Instructor Pages.
Worksheet 131: Mysterious or Just Plain Quiet?
Worksheet 132: Why Tell About Yourself?
Worksheet 133: Revealing Things to Be Polite.
Worksheet 134: Revealing Things to Make Conversation.
Worksheet 135: Take a Risk, Open Up.
Part Two: Using Social Skills.
Chapter 4 Using Social Skills at Home.
Instructor Pages.
Worksheet 136: Getting Along with Parents.
Worksheet 137: Getting Along with Siblings.
Worksheet 138: Balancing Responsibilities and Desires.
Worksheet 139: Intrusions on Privacy.
Worksheet 140: Handling a Divorce or Family Split.
Worksheet 141: Living with Abusive or Dysfunctional Family
Worksheet 142: Spending Quality Time with My Family.
Worksheet 143: Learning About My Family.
Worksheet 144: Becoming Independent.
Worksheet 145: Forgiving Others.
Worksheet 146: I’m Embarrassed About My Family.
Worksheet 147: Being Proud of My Family.
Chapter 5 Using Social Skills at School.
Instructor Pages.
Worksheet 148: Getting Along with Teachers or Authority
Worksheet 149: Managing a Social Life.
Worksheet 150: Asking for Help.
Worksheet 151: Failing Classes.
Worksheet 152: Discipline Problems.
Worksheet 153: Intimidation from Other Students.
Worksheet 154: Developing a Bad Attitude Toward School.
Worksheet 155: Getting Involved in Extracurricular
Worksheet 156: Giving Extra Eff ort Toward Excellence.
Worksheet 157: School Goals.
Worksheet 158: Work-Study Options.
Worksheet 159: School Safety.
Chapter 6 Using Social Skills at Work.
Instructor Pages.
Worksheet 160: Getting Along with Your Supervisor.
Worksheet 161: Getting Along with Coworkers.
Worksheet 162: Understanding the Skills Required for the Job.
Worksheet 163: Developing Good Work Habits.
Worksheet 164: Following Instructions.
Worksheet 165: Dealing with Complaining Customers.
Worksheet 166: Being Resourceful.
Worksheet 167: Taking Initiative for Promotion.
Worksheet 168: Sick Days.
Worksheet 169: Cell Phones at Work.
Worksheet 170: What Not to Wear, Say, Do.
Worksheet 171: Workplace Work Space.
Chapter 7 Using Social Skills with Peers.
Instructor Pages.
Worksheet 172: Respecting Others as Individuals.
Worksheet 173: Developing Healthy Relationships with the Opposite
Worksheet 174: Taking Advantage of Social Opportunities.
Worksheet 175: Deciding How Much Infl uence Others Will Have over
Worksheet 176: Getting Involved with People with Problems.
Worksheet 177: Feeling Outcast.
Worksheet 178: When a Friend Is in T...
Darlene Mannix, M.A., has taught both general education and
special education, and she has worked with students ranging from
learning disabled and mentally challenged to language disordered
and severely emotionally disturbed. Mannix is the best-selling
author of numerous books for special educators including Social
Skills Activities for Special Children and Life Skills Activities
for Special Children.
在线阅读地址:Social Skills Activities For Secondary Students With Special Needs, Second Edition 9780470259368在线阅读
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在线购买地址:Social Skills Activities For Secondary Students With Special Needs, Second Edition 9780470259368在线购买
A flexible, ready-to-use activities program to help special students in grades 6-12 The updated new edition of this valuable resource offers an exciting collection of 200 ready-to-use worksheets to help adolescents build the social skills they need to interact effectively with others and learn how to apply these skills to various real-life settings, situations, and problems. The book provides 20 complete teaching units focusing on 20 basic social skills, such as being a good listener, "reading" other people, and using common sense.
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