Python测试驱动开发(影印版) pmlz pdf mobi 地址 cbz 下载 epub 百度云

珀西瓦尔编*的《python测试驱动开发(影印版)(英文版)》这本实用指南带你从头至尾经历一个真实web应用开发的全过程,展示了python测试驱动开发(tdd)的优越性。你将学到如何在应用程序各部分被构建出来之前就编写并运行测试,然后开发* 少量的代码就让这些测试运行通过。结果得到什么?能够运行的简洁代码。 在书中,你将学到diango、selenium、git、 iquery和mock的基础知识,另外还有现代web开发技巧。如果你准备将自己的python技术提升到下一个层次,这本书清楚地展示了测试驱动开发是如何提倡简单设计并增进信心。 深入测试驱动开发工作流,包括单元测试/编码周期循环和重构 为类和函数使用单元测试,并为浏览器内的用户交互使用功能测试 学习何时与如何运用mock对象,以及单独和集成测试的优缺点 在开发用服务器上测试以及自动化部署 将测试运用到网站集成的第三方插件上去 使用一个持续集成环境来自动运行测试
prefaceprerequisites and assumptionscompanion videoacknowledgmentspart i. the basics of tdd and django1. getting django set up using a functional test obey the testing goat! do nothing until you have a test getting django up and running starting a git repository2. extending our functional test using the unittest module using a functional test to scope out a minimum viable app the python standard library's unittest module implicit waits commit3. testing a simple home page with unit tests our first django app, and our first unit test unit tests, and how they differ from functional tests unit testing in django django's mvc, urls, and view functions at last! we actually write some application code! unit testing a view the unit-test/code cycle4. what are we doing with all these tests? programming is like pulling a bucket of water up from a well using selenium to test user interactions the "don't test constants" rule, and templates to the rescue refactoring to use a template on refactoring a little more of our front page recap: the tdd processs. saving user input wiring up our form to send a post request processing a post request on the server passing python variables to be rendered in the template three strikes and refactor the django orm and our first model our first database migration the test gets surprisingly far a new field means a new migration saving the post to the database redirect after a post better unit testing practice: each test should test one thing rendering items in the template creating our production database with migrate6. getting to the minimum viable site ensuring test isolation in functional tests running lust the unit tests small design when necessary yagni! rest implementing the new design using tdd iterating towards the new design testing views, templates, and urls together with the django test client a new test class a new url a new view function a separate template for viewing lists another url and view for adding list items a test class for new list creation a url and view for new list creation removing now-redundant code and tests pointing our forms at the new url adjusting our models a foreign key relationship adjusting the rest of the world to our new models each list should have its own url capturing parameters from urls adjusting new_list to the new world one more view to handle adding items to an existing list beware of greedy regular expressions! the last new url the last new view but how to use that url in the form? a final refactor using url includespart ii. web development sine qua nons 7. prettification: layout and styling, and what to test about it 8. testing deployment using a staging site. 9. automating deployment with fabric 10. input validation and test organisation 11. a simple form 12. more advanced forms 13. dipping our toes, very tentatively, into javascript 14. deploying our new codepart iii. more advanced topics 15. user authentication, integrating third-party plugins, and mocking with javascript. 16. server-side authentication and mocking in python 17. test fixtures, logging, and server-side debugging 18. finishing "my lists": outside-in tdd 19. test isolation, and "listening to your tests". 20. continuous inteoration (ci) 21. the token social bit, the page pattern, and an exercise for the reader 22. fast tests, slow tests, and hot lava..obey the testing goat!a. pythonanywhereb. django class-based viewsc. provisioning with ansibled. testing database migrationse. behaviour-driven development (bdd)f. cheat sheetg. what to do nexth. bibliographyindex
Do you know why the Django mascot is a pony? The story is that Django comes with so many things you want: an ORM, all sorts of middleware, the admin site … "What else do you want, a pony?" Well, Gunicorn stands for "Green Unicorn", which I guess is what you’d want next if you already had a pony…
On the Pros and Cons of Different Types of Test, and Decoupling ORM code
Functional tests
Provide the best guarantee that your application really works correctly, from the point of view of the user.
But: it’s a slower feedback cycle,
And they don’t necessarily help you write clean code.
Integrated tests (reliant on, eg, the ORM or the Django Test Client)
Are quick to write,
Easy to understand,
Will warn you of any integration issues,
But may not always drive good design (that’s up to you!).
And are usually slower than isolated tests
Isolated ("mocky") tests
These involve the most hard work.
They can be harder to read and understand,
But: these are the best ones for guiding you towards better design.
And they run the fastest.
Decoupling our application from ORM code
When striving to write ...
So one way of getting what we want is to try and minimise the amount of our code that has to deal with boundaries. Then we test our core business logic with isolated tests and test our integration points with integrated tests.
Functional tests should help you build an application with the right functionality, and guarantee you never accidentally break it. Unit tests should help you to write code that’s clean and bug free.
We can start to settle into the TDD unit-test/code cycle now:
1. In the terminal, run the unit tests and see how they fail.
2. In the editor, make a minimal code change to address the current test failure.
And repeat!
Kent Beck (who basically invented TDD) uses the metaphor of lifting a bucket of water out of a well with a rope: when the well isn’t too deep, and the bucket isn’t very full, it’s easy. And even lifting a full bucket is pretty easy at first. But after a while, you’re going to get tired. TDD is like having a ratchet that lets you save your progress, take a break, and make sure you never slip backwards. That way you don’t have to be smart all the time.
TDD is a discipline, and that means it’s not something that comes naturally; because many of the payoffs aren’t immediate but only come in the longer term, you have to force yourself to do it in the moment. That’s what the image of the Testing Goat is supposed to illustrate—you need to be a bit bloody-minded about it.
珀西瓦尔编*的《python测试驱动开发(影印版)(英文版)》这本实用指南带你从头至尾经历一个真实web应用开发的全过程,展示了python测试驱动开发(tdd)的优越性。你将学到如何在应用程序各部分被构建出来之前就编写并运行测试,然后开发* 少量的代码就让这些测试运行通过。结果得到什么?能够运行的简洁代码。 在书中,你将学到diango、selenium、git、 iquery和mock的基础知识,另外还有现代web开发技巧。如果你准备将自己的python技术提升到下一个层次,这本书清楚地展示了测试驱动开发是如何提倡简单设计并增进信心。 深入测试驱动开发工作流,包括单元测试/编码周期循环和重构 为类和函数使用单元测试,并为浏览器内的用户交互使用功能测试 学习何时与如何运用mock对象,以及单独和集成测试的优缺点 在开发用服务器上测试以及自动化部署 将测试运用到网站集成的第三方插件上去 使用一个持续集成环境来自动运行测试
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