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When retired telecommunications analyst Dan Reingold decided to write an account of what he'd seen while working for powerful Wall Street investment banks, he turned to his niece, a journalist at Fast Company and the author of Final Accounting: Ambition, Greed and the Fall of Arthur Anderson, for help. Together, they've created a solid structure for his recollections of life in the trenches, but because he's one of the good guys, Reingold doesn't have much to confess. Beyond detailing every step in his upward career mobility, Reingold does little but gripe about people like his main competitor, Jack Grubman, who spent years flaunting insider connections with executives who would float him advance info on major corporate deals. (Grubman is currently a defendant in several securities fraud cases.) Reingold does suggest that insider influence is so pervasive in the financial market that investors should avoid individual stocks completely, and he has a number of recommendations for industry-wide reform, but in the end, his story is basically that he worked in the same industry as a bunch of bad eggs. While the personal material is never less than engaging, it doesn't fundamentally alter our understanding of the recent market scandals. (Feb.)
Cast of Characters
Prologue: Tuesday, March 15, 2005
1. The Plunge: 1989-1991
"This Is the Street Where They Fool People."
From Consulting to Communications: MCI
My First Run-in with Jack Grubman
Street Smarts
Ed Comes Knocking
From the Jetway to the Attic
"We Do Not Make Negative or Controversial
Comments About Our Clients."
2. Around the World in Seven Days (or Less): 1992-1993
Climbing Over the Wall
"You're the Only One."
"Hi, I'm John Mack..."
Privatization Pandemonium
The Perils of Papadam
Mississippi Madness
3. Rainmaker, Dealbreaker: 1993-1996
Fraud I01
Tone and Notice
Jack's Knack
Afternoon Tryst
My Major Opinion Change:
Upgrading the Bells, Downgrading AT& T
The Power of the Poll
"Just to Make Things Interesting"
4. Intimidation: 1996-1997
M&A Mania
Nothing Personal?
Internet Ignorance
My Failed Quest for Qwest
Fido Loves WorldCom
Irrational Exuberance
5. Merger Mania: July 1997-January 1999
The Case of the Secret Document
MCI/BT~ The "BloodBath"
Jack and Bernie: Inextricably Linked
Jack Plays Loose: I Play Banker
How I Lost My Bank $25 Million
6. Oxygen Deprivation: 1999
My Muhibillion-Dollar Mistake: AT& T
"You're Missing the Fucking Boat on Level 3"
"You Know He Can't Keep His Mouth Shut"
The SEC's Deadly Mistake
"How Can Your Best Friends Become Your Worst Enemies?"
To Publish or Not?
7. The Leak, theAmbush, and the Dupe: 1999
"Shame on Them?"
The $14 Billion Leak
Here is the true story of a top Wall Street player's transformation from a straight-arrow believer to a jaded cynic, who reveals how Wall Street's insider game is really played.
Dan Reingold was a top Wall Street analyst for fourteen years and Salomon Smith Barney analyst Jack Grubman's chief competitor in the red-hot sector of telecom. Reingold was part of the "Street" and believed in it.
But in this action-packed, highly personal memoir written with accomplished Fast Company senior writer Jennifer Reingold the author describes how his enthusiasm gave way to disgust as he learned how deeply corrupted Wall Street and much of corporate America had become during the roaring stock market bubble of the 1990s.
Confessions of a Wall Street Analyst provides a front-row seat at one of the most dramatic -- and ultimately tragic -- periods in financial history. Reingold recounts his introduction to the world of Wall Street leaks and secret deal-making; his experiences with corporate fraud; and Wall Street's alarming penchant for lavish spending and multimillion-dollar pay packages.
Reingold spars with arch rival Grubman; fends off intense pressures from Wall Street bankers and corporate CEOs; and is wooed by Morgan Stanley's CEO, John Mack, and CSFB's über-banker Frank Quattrone.
Reingold describes instances in which confidential deals are whispered days before their official announcement. He recalls the moment he learns that Bernie Ebbers's WorldCom was massively cooking its books. And he is shocked to have been an unwitting catalyst for a series of sexually explicit e-mails that would rock Wall Street; bring Jack Grubman to his knees; and contribute to the stepping aside of Grubman's boss, Citigroup CEO Sandy Weill.
Some of Reingold's stories are outrageous, others hilarious, and many are simply absurd. But, together, they provide a sobering exposé of Wall Street: a jungle of greed and ego, a place brimming with conflicts and inside information, and a business absurdly out of touch with the Main Street it claims to serve.
He shows how government investigators, headlines notwithstanding, never got to the heart of the ethical and legal transgressions of the era. And how they completely overlooked Wall Street's pervasive use of inside information, leaving investors -- even sophisticated professionals -- cheated. The book ends with a series of important policy recommendations to clean up the investing business.
In the tradition of Liar's Poker and Den of Thieves, Confessions of a Wall Street Analyst is a no-holds-barred insider's account that will open the eyes of every investor.
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