室内设计理论读本 INTIMUS: Interior Design Theory Reader pmlz pdf mobi 地址 cbz 下载 epub 百度云

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Walter Benjamin observed in his writings on the interior that 'to live means to leave traces.' This interior design theory reader focuses on just how such traces might manifest themselves. In order to explore interior design's links to other disciplines, the selected texts reflect a wide range of interests extending beyond the traditional confines of design and architecture. It is conceived as a matrix, which intersects social, political, psychological, philosophical, technological and gender discourse, with practice issues, such as materials, lighting, colour, furnishing, and the body. The anthology presents a complex and sometimes conflicting terrain, while also creating a distinct body of knowledge particular to the interior. Locating theory on the interior through these multifarious sources, it encourages future discourse in an area often marginalised but now emerging in its own right.
Within the reader individual excerpts are referenced to their place in the matrix and sequenced alphabetically. This organising strategy resists both a chronological and themed structure in order to provoke associations and inferences between excerpts. In this way the book offers the possibility of examining the interior from multiple vantage points: a disciplinary focus, the spatial and physical attributes of interiors, historical sequence, and topical issue based. Excerpts from Thomas Hope, Catherine E. Beecher and Harriet Beecher Stowe, Edith Wharton and Charles Eastlake provide contemporary nineteenth century accounts as the profession emerges, whereas Barbara Penner, Penny Sparke, Charles Rice, Georges Teyssot and Rebecca Houze offer re-interpretations of this period. The complexities of the twentieth-century interior are revealed by Robyn Longhurst, Kevin Melchionne, George Wagner, John Macgregor Wise, Joel Sanders and many others.
Proximities Mark Taylor and Julieanna Preston
Matrix Key
The Partition of Space
The Dialectics of Outside and Inside
The Sterility of Perfection + The Rule Breaker’s Success
Structures of Atmosphere
A Christian House
Thick Edge: Architectural Boundaries and Spatial Flows
A Wall of Books: The Gender of Natural Colors in Modern Architecture
A House for Josephine Baker
Bodies and Mirrors
Movement and Myth: the Schröder House and Transformable Living
Spatial Stories
Suitability, Simplicity and Proportion
On the Means by which Repose is Attainable in Decoration
Volatile Architectures
The Dining Room
Men’s Room
‘Decorators May be Compared to Doctors’
Berggasse 19: Inside Freud’s Office
Toward a Feminist Poetics: Infection in the Sentence
Woman’s Domestic Body
Notes on Digital Nesting: a Poetics of Evolutionary Form
Faith and Virtuality: A Brief History of Virtual Reality
Thinking of Gadamer’s Floor
Buildings and their Genotypes
Household Furniture and Interior Decoration
From Wiener Kunst im Hause to the Wiener Werkstätte
Wherever I Lay My Girlfriend, That’s My Home
Interiors: Nineteenth-Century Essays on the ‘Masculine’ and the ‘Feminine’ Room
Tables, Chairs, and Other Machines for Thinking
On the Loss of (Dark) Inside Space
Social, Spatial and Temporal Factors
Wiener Wohnkultur: Interior Design in Vienna, 1910–1930
(Re)presenting Shopping Centres and Bodies: Questions of Pregnancy
The Tyranny of Taste
Streamlining: The Aesthetics of Waste
The Architecture of Manners: Henry James, Edith Wharton and The Mount
‘House Beautiful’: Style and Consumption in the Home
Living in Glass Houses
Colour and Method
Ordering the World: Perceptions of Architecture, Space and Time
A World of Unmentionable Suffering
The Apartment
A Kitchen as a Place to Be
Making Charleston (1916–17)
The Clubs of StJames’s: Places of Public Patriarchy
Rethinking Histories of the Interior
Designing the Dinner Party
‘Hi Honey, I’m Home’
Curtain Wars
Productions of Incarceration: The Architecture of Daniel Paul Schreber
Ornament and Order
‘The Things that Surround One’
Decorating Culture
In Praise of Shadows
Architecture and Interior: A Roam of One’s Own
Boredom and Bedroom: The Suppression of the Habitual
The Chic Interior and the Feminine Modern
Inside Fear: Secret Places and Hidden Spaces in Dwellings
The Pleasure of Architecture
Domestic Doyennes: Purveyors of Atmospheres Spoken and Visual
The Lair of the Bachelor
The Historical Tradition
Home: Territory and Identity
The Material Value of Color: The Estate Agent’s Tale
Julieanna Preston is a Senior Lecturer of Interior Design at the College of Creative Arts, Massey University, Wellington, New Zealand. This book extends her interdisciplinary practice and commitment to further developing interior design as a spatial art a
Walter Benjamin observed in his writings on the interior that 'to live means to leave traces.' This interior design theory reader focuses on just how such traces might manifest themselves. In order to explore interior design's links to other disciplines, the selected texts reflect a wide range of interests extending beyond the traditional confines of design and architecture. It is conceived as a matrix, which intersects social, political, psychological, philosophical, technological and gender discourse, with practice issues, such as materials, lighting, colour, furnishing, and the body. The anthology presents a complex and sometimes conflicting terrain, while also creating a distinct body of knowledge particular to the interior. Locating theory on the interior through these multifarious sources, it encourages future discourse in an area often marginalised but now emerging in its own right. Within the reader individual excerpts are referenced to their place in the matrix and sequenced alphabetically. This organising strategy resists both a chronological and themed structure in order to provoke associations and inferences between excerpts. In this way the book offers the possibility of examining the interior from multiple vantage points: a disciplinary focus, the spatial and physical attributes of interiors, historical sequence, and topical issue based. Excerpts from Thomas Hope, Catherine E. Beecher and Harriet Beecher Stowe, Edith Wharton and Charles Eastlake provide contemporary nineteenth century accounts as the profession emerges, whereas Barbara Penner, Penny Sparke, Charles Rice, Georges Teyssot and Rebecca Houze offer re-interpretations of this period. The complexities of the twentieth-century interior are revealed by Robyn Longhurst, Kevin Melchionne, George Wagner, John Macgregor Wise, Joel Sanders and many others.
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